Of course you know there is a real person behind these Discovery Point Club 19 blog posts. I'll let you in on a secret; I'm a mom, being a mom is an amazing, wonderful and sometimes challenging job. Today I share with you a mom moment that fills my heart with joy. Just now my phone rang, I knew it was my 14 (almost 15) year old son calling from school because I have a special ring set on my phone to alert me when it's him calling. He has a basketball game tonight, he called to ask if I would bring him some snacks when I come to the game. "Of course, what do you want?" He gives me his request, I pull the snacks out of the snack drawer and place them on the counter so I don't forget them when I leave. I can hear his teammates in the locker room, in fact I hear them clearly so they must be standing close by. Telling him I'll see him before the game with snacks in hand and saying goodbye I wait for his "goodbye" before pushing the end button. I don't get a "goodbye" what I hear on the other end of the line from my son, standing in the locker room with his teammates within ear shot is this: "Thanks Mama, I love you." Be. Still. My. Heart.
What are your heartfelt joy moments? Please share.